Welcome to the home of Cara Martin's speculative fiction. Cara's early influences include the original Planet of the Apes movie, reruns of The Twilight Zone (1959-64), John Wyndham novels, The Ghosts by Antonia Barber and every ghost story collection she could get her hands on as a child.

A teenage love of scary movies—The Entity, The Amityville Horror, The Omen trilogy, An American Werewolf in London, Ghost Story (1981)—has never left her. She's equally fascinated by time travel, artificial intelligence, and the dreams and fears that fuel us. All of these things are at the heart of her speculative work.

Look for her sci-fi Rise, Tomorrow Girl now.

On Sale Now: Rise, Tomorrow Girl

"With its sparring prose, inclusive cast and difficult themes, Cara Martin’s Shantallow is crackling YA. It addresses themes of revenge porn, abuse, drugs and sex, but at its heart is a message all young people should hear: there’s life after transgression, and while it may not include forgiveness, personal amends can be made, behaviour changed and community rediscovered."
Ottawa Book Award jury statement

Shantallow. Gut-wrenching on various levels - Kirkus. Serious, literary and very sary - Booklist

Today my Goodreads contest is live. If you're in Canada or the U.S. you can enter to win a signed copy of Rise, Tomorrow Girl plus my first sci-fi, Yesterday.

The giveaway books arrived early this afternoon and are waiting for good homes to go to! If you like sci-fi set in the not distant future and enjoy Canadian settings then these might be your jam. They're housebroken and require no food or water.

Goodreads Book Giveaway

Rise, Tomorrow Girl by Cara  Martin

Rise, Tomorrow Girl

by Cara Martin

Giveaway ends September 30, 2024.

See the giveaway details at Goodreads.

Enter Giveaway

You can now pre-order e-copies of my upcoming sci-fi RISE, TOMORROW GIRL at Amazon, Kobo, Barnes and Noble, and Google. On June 21st e-copies will also be available at Apple and paperbacks via Amazon. Read Chapter One.


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